Monday, February 11, 2008

Houston... we have a toddler.

Well it's official. Jillian has hit the pre 2 terrible 2's. I distinctly remember this with my other 3 children at this age, so I'm taking it as a good sign. I'm taking it as she is feeling so good, that she is comfortable having a fit. This really just hit last week, and I thought maybe she wasn't feeling good. Since then, however, I have found a pattern. I tell her no, she has a fit. Now, understand me, it's not a "in the floor kicking" fit. But it is a face turn red, yell at the middle of her lungs, (it's definitely not the top of her lungs thankfully), without a tear one running down her face. I am having a hard time with discipline still. I do definitely discipline her, but I'm not as hard on her as I would be with my biological children. Anyone out there have any BTDT advice? I've only had her for 3 months, so I'm not sure how far to take it. I know I absolutely cannot let her climb over the table at a restaurant, or pull the plates off and throw them like she would like to. But, I also feel horrible telling her no almost the entire day. I have taken some good time the last couple of days, (once I figured out what was going on), to intentionally distract her and play for quite awhile. I obviously can't do that everyday, but it has seemed to help a touch. So, keep us in your prayers. I definitely need the Lord's guidance in this. Yikes!!