- The fact that there are 143 million children without a parent to kiss them goodnight has made you lose sleep.
- You realize DNA has nothing to do with love and family.
- You can't watch Adoption Stories on TLC without sobbing.
- The fact that, if 7% of Christians adopted 1 child there would be no orphans in the world, is convicting to you.
- You spend free time surfing blogs about families who have experienced the blessing of adoption.
- It drives you crazy when people ask you about adopted child's 'real' parents. (or when they refer to my bio children as my "real kids")
- You have ever been 'pregnant' with your adoptive child longer than it takes an elephant to give birth. (2 years!)
- You had no idea how you would afford to adopt but stepped out in faith anyway, knowing where God calls you He will provide.
- You have ever taken an airplane ride half-way around the world with a child you just met.
- You believe God's heart is for adoption.
- You realize that welcoming a child into your heart and family is one of the most important legacies you could ever leave on this earth.
- You know what the word 'Dossier' means, and you can actually pronounce it!
- You have welcomed a social worker into the most private parts of your life. (It absolutely amazes me the things a social worker needs to know!)
- You shudder when people say your child is so lucky that you adopted them, knowing full well you are the blessed one to have him or her in your life.
-Author unknown
It seems like lately, more and more people are actually asking about 'adoption'. Not just Jillian, but the act of adopting. I have always had a heart for adoption, and kind of wondered what it would be like once I had actually done it. I have to say, that it is 100% a miracle. I am just as awe inspired with when and how Jillian joined our family as I am the 3 children I gave birth to. I can almost equate the anxiety mixed with excitement, mixed with the unknown....either to what labor would be like the first time, or to that dreaded plane trip. I don't know if I'm saying that to where anybody would understand me....but it was just that so many of the same exact feelings were there. I know China adoption is so uncertain right now. The wait times are up to 3 years. I would really not encourage anyone right now to start your China adoption. However, I would encourage everyone I know....IF you feel like it's what the Lord called you to do....look into it. From the Ukraine, or Russia, or Ethiopia...or our foster care system. Granted, we tried that too, and for my particular state, and it was an absolute mess. (but we are from Louisiana.....that should say it all!!) Jillian can be a handful, (as my mother can attest to for her birthday lunch!)but all toddlers can be. I have to say though, that truly, there is no line whatsoever in between my biological children, and my adopted child. They are equal. All the questions I was asked about looking at them differently, etc....I can say resoundingly that there is just none of that. I laugh sometimes and say I love her as much as my biological children, and I can get as mad at her as I can with my biological children. And frankly, as a general rule, except for this blog, we don't ever even say...biological, adopted, etc. It has been a perfect blend....and I thank God daily for bringing her to us.