Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One Year Anniversary

This is going to be gushy....I can feel it. I can feel the tears be forewarned. One year ago this morning, I was getting on a bus, to board a plane, to finally have Jillian put in my arms. I remember it like it was yesterday. I hope I always do. The last year has flown by where Jillian is concerned.... Jillian immediately fell right into our family. The adjustments over the last year have been small compared to what I expected them to be. Remembering all the stuff you need to have in your diaper bag...potty training, speech, etc. Those are all basics that you would have to do with a toddler anyway really. But for the most part, adoption carries so many other challenges that you just can't even prepare for...but you try as hard as you can to. These are those things that have been minimal for my family. No adjustment issues. No attachment issues. No night terrors. It has been amazing to watch her.

Tonight, my mom, the kids and I loaded up and went to eat Chinese for dinner. I always kind of thought that was kind of cheesy, and never thought I would do it myself, but I couldn't resist. On the way there, I started asking the kids what their version of gotcha day was. I could get almost no information out of them...except for the fact that they had wished each day that I would post more pictures on the blog. I remember that day, and the entire trip so clearly. I remember after we got Jillian, walking forever and a day to the grocery store...and wondering how on earth we were going to walk back with groceries, and a baby!! I remember those first smiles. I posted them on the blog that day. She had just eaten some of that baby food that we walked so far to get....and she was so happy. I expected not to get a smile for a LONG time, and I got one that day. (here come the tears!) And as I think of all those precious memories...that I pray I never forget as long as I live....I realize that I miss China. Who would have ever thought that would come out of my mouth...or off my fingers in this case! The smells of China were so clear....not that it was my favorite smell, but it was China. The people worked SO hard. I still often think of those older ladies sweeping the streets with bamboo brooms. It still blows my mind. Guangzhou was my favorite of all the cities that we was huge...but Shamian Island was just gorgeous. Shopping was great....I still regret not getting more. One day, I'll go back. I don't know when it will be...but one day....

If you've been a follower of my blog....thank you for joining us during these ups and downs of this last year. I know we've sure had some downs in other areas of life. But Jillian has been my up. I am convinced that the Lord put her in my life for proof of His knowledge and power of what is best for us. If there is anything I've done right in my's been this journey. I have said before....I know this adoption is bigger than just this adoption. I overheard Madison telling Roy tonight that when she grew up she wanted to be a photographer, and an orphan mama. I love that the Lord has changed, and softened the hearts of my children. I love that the Lord has blessed me to be part of this miracle. My heart is so full today....and I am so very thankful.


Carla Lewter said...

We had Chinese too, we just had to! What a wonderful day it was today, I have just felt so grateful for the wonderful gifts we have been given. Happy Gotcha day!!

Anonymous said...

The magnitude of your journey has cast ripples of change to a little Chinese girl's destiny. Wow!