Monday, June 23, 2008

Heading to the Beach.

At about 3:45 am on Wednesday, I am with great reluctance heading to the beach with the ladies of my church. I know we are going to have a ball. I know it's going to be so much fun....but I honestly don't know the last time I left my husband, kids, and place of business just for a few days of fun. I totally don't think there is anything wrong with anybody that does do that on a regular basis, I just don't seem to. It gives me anxiety. I guess a selfish feeling. As if I'm saying..."hey ya'll....figure it all out on your own for a few days...I'm heading to the beach!". I don't really like to feel like that. Some of my very best friends are going, (but some aren't), so I know we will have tons to laugh about for a long time to come. But if you think about....say a prayer for all the chaos I'm leaving behind. I really want it to go so well that I might even be able to go back again next year.