Random thought #1: I thought for all of you who were interested in Chase's status...I would give you an update. He is doing miraculously well. Everyone that has been a part of his story has been touched beyond measure. The doctors that have been involved in his recovery literally cannot believe what they have seen. When he walks in for his various check ups...they take a double take. Nobody can believe it's him. So, things are doing exceptionally well. Thank you all for those who have prayed, and continue to pray. His sight in his bad eye is still very poor, but we are all still believing that will come back too. In the Lord's time.
Random thought #2: Tuesdays Jillian has speech therapy. She absolutely LOVES her speech therapist. In fact, when Mrs. Megan gets here, Jillian gets so giggly, and runs to the spot where they normally sit and spend their hour. At first, most people I mentioned speech therapy to thought I was crazy, but I am so very thankful I went ahead and did it. Jillian is picking up so well now. If nothing else, Jillian is attempting to repeat every single thing the other children say. Of course, I have to regularly tell the other kiddos that Jillian is not a circus act, and it's not wise to CONSTANTLY ask her to repeat words or sentences. I will have to admit though, it is fun to say..."Jillian, say I love you!"....and then to hear her say I love you to the best of her ability. It really is precious!
Random thought #3: Baseball is over...and I am so glad. Man it gets HOT in Louisiana in June. Last night, with both boys having back to back games....we were ready to be done. I almost did a little dance when we lost. Ok, not really, but it's been a long season, and it's time for those boys to have a rest. Right? Sure, that's what I'm saying anyway.
Random thought #4: Chandler got braces yesterday. He looks so incredibly different. And so old. I know so many kids are getting braces at much younger ages now, but Chandler is 12, and officially looks it. Truthfully, I'm not sure I like it. My comfort when he started middle school was that 6th graders were kept seperate from the 7th and 8th graders. Well, now he'll be kept seperate from the 6th graders because he is one of those dreaded 7th graders. Geez...how did I get so old???
My Random thought #5 is that I'm working on some pics from yesterday and today...and hopefully I'll post them a bit later....so you'll have to come back to check them out. Update...ok clearly, I got the pictures posted...but they posted at the top. Weird. I can't anything on this computer to work right tonight...so I'm going to quit trying to move them down to the bottom.
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