Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Peach Tea.

I love peach tea. I mean, I really, really love peach tea. Crystal light has one that truly is delicious, and is a good runner up to the peach tea from Sonic....which is delicious also. The odd thing about my addiction to peach that I like to drink it out of Mason jars. How weird is that?? I think of drinking my tea, and it takes me back, (again) to Mayberry. As most of you know by now, I also really, really love Andy Griffith. And I guess it's not just the peach tea, but the whole frame of mind that it puts me in. Does anyone else have a mind that chases rabbits?? My trail goes kind of like this...I think of peach tea, peach icees, summer, fresh vegetables like tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers, then I think of country living, sitting out on the porch, watching the kids play, and drinking my peach tea. Makes perfect sense doesn't it?? One of my dearest friends' family is mostly from 'the country'. And every single Saturday, the entire family goes out to the Grandmother's house for lunch. The grandmother cooks for everybody.....and it usually is something like...deer steak, or chicken and dumplings, with garden vegetables cooked to perfection. My husband and I have always thought how wonderful that tradition is, and how much we wish we had it in our family. And then we have our fleeting thoughts of moving out to 'the country'. And then we remember gas is $4.00 a gallon, and we have 4 kids, 3 of which are in various activities. Bummer. So, for now, I'm going to sit here in my office, in mostly the dark, while my hubby and babies sleep, drinking my peach tea out of a mason jar....and it feels so very nice.