Friday, October 17, 2008

Bunco Pics....

Me and Tracy....
Richard Simmons....aka Angie!! Excercise Girls!!!
Check out the pit hair!
The whole group of us.
Tracy working on fixing my hair!
Sarah and Shannon....the nun.

We had such a fun night that night! The pics of me are really scary aren't they?? I kind of look like a mix between bozo the clown...and something else that I just can't figure out! Anyway...get a good laugh!!


morgan buxton said...

every time i just glance at these pics you remind me of "the joker" think its the green shirt with the big hair and red lipstick...anyway these pics are hilarious!!

Our Journey to Jillian said...

well, clearly..the old lady look went out the door somehow....and then when I saw almost scared me...maybe the joker influence!! LOL!!