Sunday, November 18, 2007

China time vs. USA time

Jet lag is tough. I'm not sure what technically 'jet lag' is...but the time change is tough. When we flew to Beijing, it was just Roy and I, and we had a free day before anything started. We were running on adrenaline, and had no problems with sleep deprivation whatsoever. We were tired, but so excited. It's not so much like that this time around. I think we have gotten our body clocks straight, but Jillian has absolutely not. Our first night home was pretty bad, as I mentioned before. Last night, she slept fairly well through until about 4:30, and then was up for the day. Because of the early start, she seemed fairly grumpy for most of the day. We have our doctor appt. tomorrow morning with our pediatrician. I'm hoping to get all kinds of information from her. Although, truthfully, I'm not sure what. I guess I've thought this entire time that she has had an ear infection, but the Chinese doctors didn't acknowledge that. It will be interesting to see what our Dr. says.

The other kids are still pretty much in fairy tale world with Jillian right now. If I've heard her name once, I've heard it a million times. Honestly, they won't let her breathe without someone being in her face. I told them we can do this for a day or two, but then we would have to settle it down a little bit. I'm afraid we could create a monster if we aren't careful. I really, really could not have asked for the transition to go better with them.

Well, we are off to bed. My goal for tonight is to sleep until 5:30. I'd be pleasantly surprised if we slept until 6:30, but my goal is 5:30!! I think we can, I think we can.....


Carla Lewter said...

Hey Guys,
We are right there with you on the sleep. It is so much harder this time at home. We are forcing ourselves to stay awake. I have had to wake Charlotte from every nap she has taken and Ethan went to bed tonight at 6:30pm. Glad to see everything is going well and that Jillian is adjusting so well. Talk to you soon.
Carla and Jay

BlessedMomof 5 said...

There is hope - it took us till about Thursday and then we all were back on track. It was amazing though how much I could get done before 5am!!!