Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm going to share a little of my heart today.


Why not post on your blog that you'll take a few days and let your soul "rest", as you admire your gift from God named Chandler, and watch him devour stovetop shrimp that your Dad who adores you has prepared? Share with your readers that we all have to step back from the tension and the nerves and just relax in God's peace and family attention. You need these few days in Baton Rouge, and God will bless you and replenish your spirit within them. Chill. "Be still and know that I am God."

Love you....


My Dad called me last night and told me he had sent me an email telling me a good idea for my blog. If any of you out there know my Dad, there is absolutely no telling what he's going to do or say sometimes. Total prankster in almost every sense of the word. When I got to work this morning, and opened it, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't a joke at all. It was that heartfelt sentiment from him to me. I'm sure he doesn't mind that I'm sharing, (at least I hope not). I have to tell all of my 5 readers out there...(LOL!)...most of our families have not always been on board with this adoption. My Dad, (yes, this very dad that wrote this to me), actually thought this was one of the biggest mistakes my husband and I have ever made in our entire lives. My husband's family up until this past weekend, never ever acknowledged Jillian to me. Ever. I've been worried sick over how she would be accepted. Someone has already made a joke to my husband that his eyes were "getting a little slanted!! HaHaHa!". I really didn't think that was too funny. I didn't get angry, but I thought it was surprising how ignorant "Christian" people can be. After my shower this weekend, my husband's mother called me to tell me how much in love with Jillian she was falling. My nephew sent my son a message telling him how excited they were about 'his sister'. For the umpteenth time in my life the Lord is working it all out. So as I frantically get done everything I need to get done to head out to Baton Rouge, I can rest in the knowledge that not only is He in control of all this, but He will also work out even the smallest detail. I will rest this weekend. Even though there are probably a million things I need to do. I will rest.