Thursday, September 11, 2008

I hate politics.

My heart has been so heavy today. Not only for all the events of September 11th, but for our country itself. I think all of the events have just reminded me how impactful hate can be regardless what you do. I have really had to earnestly pray in this area, because I know that I know the Lord is the only one who can fix our countries issues...and yet I know He has a perfect plan, regardless of what happens. We spent 2 1/2 weeks in China. What came on our TV was controlled...what was printed in the papers was controlled...what our guides were allowed to tell us was controlled. I do not believe our government is in anyway attempting to control what we see...but I do believe our media is. Just go to a check out line at the grocery store. I was stunned today at the headlines of the magazines glorifying Barack Obama, and slamming Sarah Palin. Now, obviously, I am a McCain/Palin supporter...but frankly, I don't even think it matters. For the most part, our media, the entertainment business, so many famous actors...all seem to be so extremely liberal....and in control of what the Average Joe sees. Journalism is a thing of the past...I really believe that. There is no fact's opinion stating. My mother was wondering who the real Sarah Palin is. Well, according to one channel...she's this, and the other, she's that. Because everybody wants to put a slant. Please give me (and us) just the facts, and let us make up our own mind. Do I think all liberals are awful evil people....of course not. My kids would have one grandparent in their life if I did. But do I think the liberal MEDIA is trouble right now....absolutely. Do you realize, if you didn't have a 24 hour news channel, how little you would know about the world around you. I honest to goodness need to cut off my cable so I can't see it. I would be SUCH a happier person if I didn't hear all the slamming of Palin for her solid Christian beliefs, and senseless bickering of both parties over ridiculous issues. I know for so many out there, the real issue is not what mine is. My real issue is my children's eternal life....and the quality of life they will have her on earth. I'm afraid the Hollywood elite is jeaopardizing both of those items in my children's life. As most of you know, I have 4 children...that I am praying for every single day. I'm praying that they will stand strong to Christian values when they are bombarded with homosexuality issues in middle school. I am praying that my daughter's (and sons) will stand strong when promise rings are being ridiculed by their pop idols. I am praying that they stand strong, and stand with the love of Jesus Christ, and not the poison of hate that is being spewed against Christians, and their rights, and values. The Lord is going to have to come in and not only heal this generation coming up and what they are being bombarded with...but our country as a whole.