Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Potty Training

This is not a picture of one of my kids. I do have one equally as precious of Madison wearing her pj's and barney slippers, reading a book, sitting on the potty. However, those were the days before digital photography, and since I still have no scanner....I have no way to post them. But regardless of who is in the picture...it is a classic potty training pic. The stance...the distraction...the proper placement on the seat, careful not to lose balance. So complicated!! Or not. We are potty training Jillian. We are generally having great success with this. Although, I have to remind myself that last time I potty trained a child...I just had kids. I didn't own a store, and have bigger kids that had to get to more important events as opposed to just a play date. So I humble myself to you, and tell you my patience is just not what it used to be. Same age, same issue, different place in life for mom. And different child. I know all kids have a mind of their own, but Jillian takes that to a whole notha level!! She can be as stubborn as .....well....her momma. As a general rule, I am proud to say, I win. Ever so often, I realize there is just no point in making such a big issue of something so small, and I let it slide. But for the big issues...I will win. All that being said...I am convinced Jillian knows full and well when she needs to potty. But she may not want to stop what she's doing long enough to go. She will sometimes even casually come get a diaper out of the cabinet, lay it on the floor, and try as hard as she can to diaper herself. Saying poo-poo all the way. Ummm, clearly, if she's capable of diapering herself, then she's capable to sit on the potty and poo poo where mommy doesn't have to touch anything. And I think we are working through those challeneges as well. It's so funny to me how just a few short years change your life. When I was potty training my 3rd...we just stayed home. And he could run around naked, and rush to the potty, etc. I can't exactly let Jillian run around naked. Although she would really like to! lol!! But, even though we are having to do it differently than before....I think it's going to work just fine. I'm very impressed with how smart she really is. So, run down for day 1, 2, and 3 of full potty training....is thumbs up. A few accidents, and a few stubborn accidents. But this too shall pass...and our budget will be so thankful for for the lack of diapers and wipes that have to be bought with our budget!! Joy! Joy! Joy! Now, if I can just get her to learn to swim...we'll be good.


Stacy said...

i started a blog so i can finally post comments on this thing...lol..
we bribed our kids..warnock had wanted a bike really bad,, so we bought one and as long as he was dry he could ride it...and if he wet his pants he had to put it up.....i think it was a month after he turned 2 or so.....it's weird the things they go for...