Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Our Great Physician!!

Chase raised two fingers today, and wiggled his toes alot! He's moving on his own, without anybody asking him to. In fact, he's getting a little aggravated trying to figure out why he can't pull up his arms, and legs. (They are in soft restraints for now). The Lord is working miracles every single day! If you had any problem with faith before, let this be a testimony to you. Without going into too many details, on Friday morning, our local hospital told Chase's mom that it didn't look good. They didn't think he would make it, and sent him to another, more advanced hospital. And here we are on the very next Wednesday, we are giving praise report, after praise report. He's not sitting up eating cheerios, but it's not a life or death situation. I have to say that the outpouring of support for Chase's family from our community is overwhelming!! I'm stunned at the people coming out of the woodwork wanting to help with fundraisers, etc. Chase's dad keeps saying over and over again how blessed they are! It's amazing how the Lord is working!