Friday, September 7, 2007

I found it, I found it!!!!

When I went to search my room once again, evidently one of the folders in my rubbermaid had fallen out, and slipped under the bed. In that amazingly wonderful folder is my original 171!!! So, I just need my fingerprint appt., and we'll be set!!! I'm so ready to get all this paperwork done, and have my baby in my arms!!! I really feel like those who adopt, not only from China, but from anywhere, should be awarded some sort of gold medal for mental stamina!!! Roller coaster going up now...or is it going down??!! LOL!!!!

Update: I thought, for those of you not in the adoption world, I needed to explain what the 171 is. That's not the full technical name, but essentially, it is the document that allows Jillian to come back into the country with me. Without it, she cannot enter the states. And a certified copy doesn't MUST be THE original. No exceptions. That might help you understand why it turned into a total meltdown. LOL!!! In this process, really SO much rides on several pieces of paper. Crazy isn't it!


Crystal said...

I am so glad u found it!! I am ready for her to just be here in the US!!! love ya CRYSTAL

Carla said...

So glad you found it. Dh and I called it "The Golden Ticket" of the Adoption Paperchase.

I guess that means TA is the "Golden Ticket" of the referral part. :)